All major alarm brands, including both wireless and hard-wired systems! A few examples of today’s most popular systems include:

Ademco • Aritech • ADT • Alexor • Avolution • Avgad• Bosch • C&K • Chubb • Crow • Concept Inner Range • Concord • CQR8 • Das/Hills • DSC •  EDM • Elite • Fbii • GE . Honeywell • ITI • KOBI • Lynx • M1 • MCM • Micron • Moose • Napco • Neo. Ness • Networx • Paradox • Protege • Risco • Rosslare • Sentinel • Sierra • solution . Simon • Tecom • Visonic •  + More



One App for any alarm system brand.

Secure Your Data

Fully Functional

Some Apps Are Free


Easy to

An Exhaustive list of Secure Features

Bridge to Connect Any Alarm System With Our Alarm App Service

From the establishment, our motto is always to provide our customers with the best home and commercial security app installation. It helps you to get accustomed to your security schedules and needs.


Nowadays, it is hard to pick a perfect security alarm app installation. Still, there is doubt about its potential. If it is too complicated, it may be troublesome for you. For that, you need a user-friendly app that allows you to use it at ease without having headaches. It does not matter if you are busy in the office or engaged in other activities, our apps are effective enough to empower you to control and monitor your properties. Our apps make it easy for you to take steps according to the situation.

Protegus App

Monitor your fridge or freezer remotely with live alarm monitoring using “Protegus 2” Free App

Trikdis - Protegus App


Alarms Apps

Bosch RSC+ App


Ness iComms App

ness icomms



Ness XCEL App


DSC Neo Connect Alarm App


Hills/DAS ComNav App


Bosch IFob control APP


Paradox Insite GOLD App


What is the ongoing costs for your alarm app?

Some apps are chargeable and some are free to use!
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